Decoding DEXA Scan - T-Scores and Z-Scores for Optimal Bone Health

Hey there!

You might remember our recent Instagram live where we talked about DEXA scans, those bone density tests. Today, I want to dive deeper into understanding the mysterious T-scores and Z-scores - super important when it comes to assessing bone health!

So, what exactly is a DEXA Scan? It's a simple, painless test called Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. It measures bone mineral density (BMD), giving us insights into your bone health and the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

T-Scores are a big deal! They compare your bone density to that of a healthy young adult of the same gender, typically around 30 years old - the peak bone density age. If your T-score is above -1, woohoo! Your bone density is rocking. But if it's between -1 and -2.5, you might have low bone mass (we call it osteopenia) and a higher risk of osteoporosis. If your T-score is -2.5 or below, that's an indicator of osteoporosis - meaning your bone density is seriously low, and you've got a higher risk of fractures.

Then we've got the Z-Scores. These compare your bone density to people in your age group and gender. It's especially important for younger folks because it can flag potential underlying health issues related to bone health.

Now, when we talk about factors affecting bone health, there's a lot to consider. Age plays a role - as we get older, bone density tends to decrease, and our osteoporosis risk goes up. Ladies, listen up - post-menopause, hormonal changes can increase your osteoporosis risk. Lifestyle choices matter too - what you eat, how active you are, and even whether you smoke or drink can impact your bones. And let's not forget medical history - certain conditions and medications can mess with your bone density, so it's essential to have a thorough evaluation.

Oh, and here's a little tip - consistency is key! If you get your DEXA scans done at the same place each time, you'll get more accurate results. Machines can be calibrated differently at various locations, so it's best to stick to one spot.

If your DEXA scan reveals low bone density or possible osteoporosis, don't panic! There's a lot you can do to boost your bone health. Eat calcium-rich foods like dairy and leafy greens, get enough vitamin D from sunlight or supplements (always check with your doc!), and try weight-bearing exercises like yoga, weight lifting, or walking with a weight vest. But before you jump into any strengthening exercises, have a chat with a movement specialist to find what's best for you.

And of course, quitting smoking and moderating alcohol can go a long way in keeping your bones strong.

Remember, understanding your DEXA scan results is super important for your bone health journey. Knowledge is power, my friend, and taking charge of your bones means living a vibrant, active life for years to come!


Sarah Avery, DPT, PYT, RYT-200

P.S. If you want to learn more about how we can support your bone health, head on over to and schedule a free call. Let's rock those bones together!