Yoga for Neck and Shoulders to Improve Posture and Decrease Pain and Tension

Neck and shoulder pain often go hand in hand. This is partly because the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdles are intimately connected! Here are some yoga poses that promote good posture, improve general neck pain, and to open up across the chest. They can be done at any time throughout the day, and are safe and perform multiple times per day in most cases. 

These poses were carefully chosen to give you a well rounded approach to what your body might need to improve neck and shoulder mobility. Please note that these poses should not be painful, and should feel like a gentle stretch or muscle activation. If you experience pain please reach out to us for assistance at!

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Thread the Needle

  1. Come onto all fours, knees under hips and wrists under shoulders.

  2. Inhale and bring the arm up to the ceiling and look at the hand.

  3. Exhale and thread your hand through the other arm with the palm up.

  4. Rest your head and shoulder on the mat to feel a stretch behind the shoulder. Repeat on the other side.


Baby Cobra

  1. Lay prone on your belly.

  2. Place the palms on the floor underneath the shoulders, and keep the elbows in toward the ribcage.

  3. Roll the shoulders back and down as you press into the hands and lift your chest off the floor.

  4. Tuck the chin slightly and lift the sternum up while engaging the gluteal muscles located in the back of the hips.



  1. Begin in a tall kneeling position with knees hip distance apart.

  2. Rotate the arms so the palms face forward.

  3. Reach the hands back to open across the chest.

  4. Look straight and tuck the chin as you reach the hands back toward blocks next to the ankles.


Forward Fold with Bind

  1. Stand tall with feet together.

  2. Lace the fingers behind your low back and bring the shoulder blades together to expand across the chest.

  3. Begin to forward fold by hinging at the hips.

  4. Keep the spine long as you lift the hand up toward the ceiling.


Wide Legged Forward Fold with Twist

  1. Standing with feet wide and parallel.

  2. Hinge forward at the hips keeping the spine in a straight line.

  3. Bring one hand to center on the floor or a block.

  4. Reach the opposite hand up toward the sky coming into a spinal twist. Repeat on the other side.


Pectoralis Stretch with Thoracic Spine Extension

  1. Laying on your back with the feet on the floor to support the low back.

  2. Place a block underneath the head, and another block lengthwise along the spine and between the shoulder blades.

  3. Allow the arms to rest by your side with the palms up.

  4. Breathe deeply into the rib cage to expand the chest. 

We are currently offering one on one Yoga virtually or in person. Don’t forget about our yoga class every Thursday at 5:45-6:45 at Saratoga Health and Wellness! Click below to learn more about your options.