Yoga for Sitting and Hip Mobility

I hear frequently that sitting causes pain and discomfort not only in the shoulders, but also the low back and hips. With our jobs, driving, and other lifestyle habits excessive sitting may be inevitable. Here are some yoga poses that combat forward head and rounded shoulder posture, tight/weak hip flexors, and an underutilized core. They can be done in your home or office when you have been sitting. They are safe and perform multiple times per day in most cases. 

These poses were carefully chosen to give you a well rounded approach to what your body needs when sedentary. Please note that these poses should not be painful, and should feel like a gentle stretch or muscle activation. If you experience pain please reach out to me for assistance!


Bound Angle Pose

  1. Press the soles of the feet together and allow knees to open (please use blocks under your knees or thighs if this is uncomfortable in the hip/groin).

  2. Tilt the pelvis forward like you are arching your back.

  3. Gently press the elbows into the thighs.

  4. Draw the shoulders away from your ears and elongate the back of the neck to sit up tall.


Revolved Head toward Knee Pose

  1. Sit on the floor, bring your heel toward the groin and let the opposite leg stretch out long to the side.

  2. Place the back of your hand on the floor inside your thigh.

  3. Elongate the side of your body as you reach your arm up and over.

  4. Roll the upper shoulder backward and expand across the chest. Repeat on the other side.


Shoulder Mobility with Strap

In a seated position sitting up tall, expand across the chest, and gently tuck the chin to elongate the back of the neck.

Reach one arm up and behind the head. The other hand reaches behind the back.

Use a strap to keep you sitting as tall as possible.

Hold and breathe gently inching the hands together along the strap. Repeat on the other side.


Camel Pose

  1. Begin in tall kneeling with knees hip distance apart, top of feet flat with the floor.

  2. Rotate your elongated arms so that the palms face forward.

  3. Begin to reach your hands back (option to use blocks here).

  4. Continue lifting the sternum up toward the ceiling as you experience a stretch in the front of the shoulders.


Dancer Pose

  1. Standing on one leg (option to use a wall for balance), bend the knee as you bring your foot up to meet your hand on the same side of the body.

  2. Rotate your shoulder open as you grasp the inner arch of the foot.

  3. Begin to kick your foot into your hand as you experience a stretch in the front of the shoulder and hip.

  4. Continue kicking as you lean your upper body forward. Repeat on the other side.


Goddess Pose

  1. Standing place feet wider than your hips and turn toes outward.

  2. Begin to descend seat toward the floor. Knees should be positioned over the ankles. Trunk is upright and inner thighs/glutes are engaged.

In an effort to help our community In Motion Physical Therapy will be continuing to offer virtual and in person yoga sessions and physical therapy. Click below to learn more about our services!

Sarah Avery